Heavy Duty Industrial Strip Cut Paper Shredders

HD industrial strip cut paper shredders are designed to process 300 to 1,200 lbs. of paper per hour. With a long list of HDStripCutstandard features including all steel construction, high speed infeed conveyor, extra large feed table,heavy duty casters and exceptionally durable, precision ground A-2 steel cutters our HD strip cut line of shredders are an exceptional value. HDs are available with 3 to 10 horsepower motors and shred widths from ¼” to ½”.


Model # Power
Requirements In Voltage
Motor Output In
Infeed  Width  In Inches Shred Width Throughput in Lbs./Hr. Speed (FPM) Weight Lbs. Size L/W/H Inches
HD300A 208,230,460* 3 16″ 1/4″ 300-500 49 1,345 59/36/47.5
HD300B 5/16″ 400-600
HD300C 1/2″ 550-750
HD500A 208,230,460* 5 16″ 1/4″ 450-650 47 1,400 59/36/47.5
HD500B 5/16″ 600-800
HD500C 1/2″ 750-950
HD750A 208,230,460* 7.5 16″ 1/4″ 650-800 67 1,465 59/36/47.5
HD750B 5/16″ 800-1000
HD750C 1/2″ 950-1150
HD1000A 208,230,460* 10 16″ 1/4″ 800-950 78 1,525 59/36/47.5
HD1000B 5/16″ 1000-1200
*Single & Three Phase Power Available For All HD300s, HD500s
and HD750s Machines. Three Phase Only For HD1000s